Its good for asking an apology from anyone...
Because it is what Allah & Rasulullah taught us as a Muslim...
Ask for forgiveness from everyone at least everyday before go to sleep...
Because, It might be we will not wake up after the sleep...
Wallahu 'Alam...
Klu kmu mnta maaf dgn sy...
Sy psti akn memaafkan, sbb sapalah sy utk mnghukum kmu dan mnghalang keredhaan Allah jika trus2 mnyimpan ungkapan kemaafan itu...
Cuma, dpt kah kmu mberi jminan bhawa kmu xkan ulangi kesilapan yg sama sama ada dgn sy atau org lain???
Klu tdk, maka sia2lah kmaafan itu, dan rugilah kmu krn Allah psti akn mnggandakan dosa itu...
Apa yg sy blh katakan sbg seorg yg tua...
Think before talk or act...
Think about others that live among us...
Because we are in small world and not alone...
Rational, Respect, Polite, Punctual, and Down to Earth...
Just a simple rules to become a suit person in this kind of world...
Watch out every single word...
Because there's a term stated that, the power of tongue is much more sharp than the swords...
It can kill others or we might be killed...
Just remember, this some words...
If we think we are perfect, no!!!~
We have Allah...
If we think we are smart enough, no!!!~
We have Allah...
If we think we are the loser, no!!!~
We have Allah as our guidance...
But, if we think all sins can be erased by the word "sorry", no!!!~
We have the most beautiful creature from Allah, a heart that really soft to be hurt and really deep to be heal...
Ada 2 jenis dosa d dunia...
Dosa kpd Allah, Insya Allah dgn taubat nasuha Allah akn mnghapuskannya...
Dosa kpd mnusia, Allah sndiri bjnji xkan memaafkannya selagi org yg berkenaan tdk memaafkan...
So, i can forgive u...
But please bear in mind that, nothing will be repeated again...
Not only to me, but to the others also...
Because like u, all human being have a sensitive place that we call it as HEART...
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