Isnin, September 20, 2010

Aku Tdk Percaya

Yaa Allah...
Betul kah ni???
Aku mcm tdk pcaya jek...

Buat ptama kali, dlm stgh jam aku sdh siapkan satu krtas final exam...
Trutamanya bab esei, lancar jek tgn mnulis jawapan...
Pstu, mix & match pun sama jgk...
True or False lg lah...
Cuma slow d bhgn objektif...
Tp, BETUL KAH ni???

"Describe definition of Microbial Growth...
During what phase that microbial done the sporulation???
What is Fungi???
Why fungi is important???
How does fungi reproduce???
What are 2 types of sexual reproduction of fungi in scientifically??? Briefly explain...
Give two classes of fungi...
What is Viruses...
Give 6 steps of phages to done the replication process..."

Antara lebih kurg soalan ku td...

Aku x sgka aku dpt jwb smua soalan...
Aku x sgka aku igt smua yg aku study...
Aku x sgka apa yg aku fokus tu btul2 kluar...
Aku x sgka dlm sejam aku sdh tgglkan dewan exam...
Aku x sgka smua lah...!!!~

Yaa Allah...
Mudah2an ni smua berkat usaha keras hamba-Mu ini Yaa Allah...
Berkat doa bjemaah bsama rakan2 sperjuangan ku td...
Berkat kelapangan dada, drpd-Mu Yaa Allah...
Trima kasih, Yaa Allah...
Aku hnya bertawakkal kpd-Mu utk markah paper Microb ku...
Smoga ia spt yg aku hrpkan...

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