Rabu, Ogos 31, 2011

Klik, Klik Sekitar Akhir Ramadhan dan Awal Syawal

Some pictures taken around this Ramadhan-Syawal...
As usual, not so many pic this time...
Apa2pun, thanks for all the memories everyone...!!!~

(Rescue Time...!!!~ Hit the KL Road with Nissan Navara...!!!~ Hang Tbaekkk lah Ammar...!!!~)

(Baby Dylan hantar Auntie Wiwi p LCCT)

(Uncle Zai before go to Tawau)

(With Baby Dylan Di Luar Rumah)

(Manuk Nasu Likku)

(Tumbu' Pulut)

(Burasak Bugis)

(Andi Sr. & Andi Jr.)

(Baby Dylan in Baju Melayu)

(Beraya2 Jugak, Susu Dylan Jangan Lupa)

(First Round Big Family Gathering)

(Part of BIG Family...Hahaha...)

(My Beloved Kakak Ipar, Kak Ecah...)

(Kak Anor, Baby Dylan, Balqis, and Kak Ecah)

(With Cousin, Rahmadana)

(Look at Ayah, Dylan...)

(Three Generation of Andi)

(Sate Goreng)

(Manuk Nasu Likku')

(Sambal Goreng)

(Ayam Kari)

(Nasi Kuning)

(My Friend, Elkie...Charging Power...Hahaha...)

(Baby Dylan with Auntie Nurul Afidah)

(Baby Dylan with Indo' Nanna Cerikki'...Hahaha...)

(My Classmate 5SC'07...Thanks for Coming, Guys!)

(With my Lovely Friends...)

(Anak2 Dara Mahal 5SC 2007)

(Nais the Mr Hyde, Risse' the Soft, Alfie the Wolverine, Elkie the Kuat Mbebel...Hehehe...)

Selasa, Ogos 30, 2011

Salam Aidil Fitri Kepada Semua

Dikeheningan pagi 1 Syawal ini...
Aku menghulurkan salam mohon ampun dan maaf atas segala salah silap yang pernah aku lakukan kepada semua...
Dikesempatan ini, aku minta agar dihalalkan segala makan minum, semua yang terlebih terkurang selama perkenalan aku bersama kalian...
Semoga Lebaran kali ini menyimpulkan sejuta makna untuk perjalanan hidup mendatang yang lebih bercahaya...
Yang paling penting, mohon agar kasih sayang dan rahmat Allah sentiasa berlimpahan buat kita...
Insya Allah...

Minal 'Aidil Wal Faizin...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri...
Maaf Zahir dan Batin...
Dengan rasa kerendahan hati daripadaku...

~Andi Rosnita Binti Kandi @ Andi Nahri~

Ahad, Ogos 28, 2011

Ziarah Rumah Jagaan Orang-Orang Tua Al-Ikhlas

Special Credit to STI Club, Recreation Club, Bowling Club, and All Clubs Societies of TPMC...
Thanks to everyone who make a donation or make any contribution for this program...
This might be not as big as others do but at least there are some effort...

To Puan Muji and family with all the residents of Rumah Al-Ikhlas...
Thank you for your cooperation...
Really appreciate them to make this program can be done as well as planned...
Thanks STAD, TPMC Staffs and Students, Uncle Ott (greatest driver), and Kak Ernie (for the nice camera)...
May Allah Accept This As Our Pahala In This Holly Month of Ramadhan...
Insya Allah...

(Love for Fatin, Hakim, Ika, Yah, Aqie, and Auf...Thanks, Guys...!!!~)